The game in the human being as a tool for its holistic construction for an integral conception of its cosmogony

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Nancy Esther Anachury
Shirley Yojana Junco
Shirley Yojana Junco
Juan Gabriel Castañeda Polanco


With respect to the upbringing of children, customs have advanced significantly. In ancient times it was conceived that children should be ignored and that they did not begin to be taken into account until very late in childhood; gradually society has evolved and with it the approaches to a humanized relationship between adults and children. It is becoming more and more constant and at the same time relevant the actions that lead to enjoy the child-adult relationship. Propitiating a pertinent emotional and social development, not only in the family environment but also in the educational spaces; spaces where specific cultural and social pillars are cemented that effectively contribute to a better progress in the individual. The games strengthen the roles and position the individual in the most characteristic aspects of his personality.


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How to Cite
Anachury, N. E., Junco, S. Y., Junco, S. Y., & Castañeda Polanco, J. G. (2023). The game in the human being as a tool for its holistic construction for an integral conception of its cosmogony. Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, 7(44).
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