Web accessibility analysis of the Universities and Public Polytechnic Schools of Guayaquil applying the NTE INEN ISO / IEC 40500: 2012 Standard

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Luis Rodríguez V
José Antepara B
Luis Braganza


Introductionthe purpose of analyzing the way in which electronic public administration is presented in the environment of Public Higher Education, for which the accessibility of web content is evaluated by applying the Ecuadorian standard NTE INEN ISO / IEC 40500: 2012. These criteria will serve as a basis for the necessary adjustments in the interfaces. Objectiveto promote an inclusive service. The selected websites correspond to the University of Guayaquil, Agraria del Ecuador, Escuela Politécnica del Litoral and the Arts, all of them of a public nature and settled in the city of Guayaquil. Materials and methodsinvolves five pages of each website as a representative sample. The research has a non-experimental character, transversal design and descriptive type. For this evaluation metric, only the 38 criteria that comply with compliance levels A and AA were taken into account. Automatic and manual tools for the measurement of accessibility are applied to the criteria, excluding the user test. Resultsare presented in four blocks where the levels of accessibility found in the four universities are described. Discussion The websites of the Public Higher Education Institutions of Guayaquil on average have a level of accessibility. ConclusionThe websites of the Public Higher Education Institutions of Guayaquil on average have a deficient level of accessibility in the application of the NTE INEN ISO / IEC 40500: 2012 Standard.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez V, L., Antepara B, J., & Braganza, L. (2019). Web accessibility analysis of the Universities and Public Polytechnic Schools of Guayaquil applying the NTE INEN ISO / IEC 40500: 2012 Standard. Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, 2(e), 59–77. https://doi.org/10.31876/er.v3i27.555
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