Elasticity and plasticity of PLA, PETG, ABS polymers for printing automotive parts
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The objective of this paper is to explore the elasticity and plasticity properties of PLA, PETG and ABS polymers in the context of 3D printing of automotive parts. The present research is qualitative, descriptive, focusing on the theoretical analysis of the mechanical properties of PLA, PETG and ABS polymers, which is based on the collection of information from different authors. An analysis of the properties of these polymers is very significant for their application in the automotive industry, allowing a correct selection of materials. The research found very important data, highlighting that PLA, with its high stiffness and low plasticity, is ideal for prototypes and low-stress parts, while PETG offers a balance between flexibility and strength, suitable for functional components that require durability. ABS, known for its high impact strength and ductility, is recommended for applications that demand shock absorption and durability under demanding conditions. Selecting the right material is crucial to optimize the performance and longevity of 3D printed automotive parts, contributing to the advancement of additive manufacturing technology in the industry.
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