Prevention and control of adverse events in the clinical laboratory process: A literature review

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Luis Alberto León Bajaña
Carlos Arón Cevallos Valencia
Roddy Wladimir Quimis Merchán


This is the result of the research project Prevention and control of adverse events in the clinical laboratory process at the León Becerra Hospital in Guayaquil, corresponding to the Higher Technology course in On-Site Clinical Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Espíritu Santo.  The prevention and control of adverse events in the clinical laboratory process is essential to ensure quality and safety in the analysis of samples and results. This process involves a series of measures from the reception of the sample to the issuance of the final report. Accurate patient and sample identification, proper labeling, transport and storage are critical steps to avoid errors. In addition, rigorous quality control protocols must be followed at all stages, including equipment maintenance and calibration, as well as ongoing staff training.


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León Bajaña, L. A. ., Cevallos Valencia, C. A. ., & Quimis Merchán, R. W. . (2024). Prevention and control of adverse events in the clinical laboratory process: A literature review. Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, 8(49). Retrieved from
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