The Zenú oral tradition as a didactic strategy to strengthen family communication
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Oral tradition is a significant element within culture, especially for ethnic groups, such as the Zenú, who fight for its preservation, because for Zenú families, it is an important factor in keeping their worldview alive. From this perspective, teachers need to have didactic options to promote cultural identity, especially in the indigenous cabildos where family communication is weak and does not tend to promote the oral traditions so necessary to develop in a pluralistic and democratic society, a training alternative to build more democratic societies, from this perspective, the purpose of this research work is the implementation of oral tradition as a didactic strategy to strengthen family communication. The population to be addressed are the students, parents and teachers of the eighth grade of the San Francisco de Asis Educational Institution of Chinú, Córdoba. The sample is made up of 4 parents, 4 students and 4 teachers. This degree work is developed from the qualitative approach, and responds to the theoretical conception of participatory action research. Surveys and semi-structured interviews were used as data collection techniques, which allowed understanding the importance of promoting and revitalizing the oral tradition as a cultural and pedagogical element to strengthen family and community ties.
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