Data analysis tools for the study of scientific citations

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Cristian Morales Alarcón
Ciro Radicelli García
Margarita Pomboza Floril


This research work made a study of scientific citations, with the aim of identifying aspects that may influence the citations of a higher educational institution. We analyzed 219 records of publications of the National University of Chimborazo and 10304 records of manuscripts from Ecuador. This work had a qualitative approach and a systemic design. As a result, it was found that the impact of scientific publications is reflected by the number of citations that have the documents published by the higher education institutions; in this sense, publications with larger citations are not related to the number of authors or volume of the published magazine, but they are supported by a quality research and correspond mostly to applied sciences.


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How to Cite
Morales Alarcón, C. ., Radicelli García, C. ., & Pomboza Floril, M. . (2021). Data analysis tools for the study of scientific citations. Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, 5(36), 1–16.
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