Methodological analysis for environmental performance in sanitation structures in order to mitigate the effects of emerging pollutants, PPCPS

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Alejandro Paúl López Moya
Mónica Delgado-Yánez


Introduction According to the typology of the product labels or in the Environmental Product Declarations (DAP), the standard EN15804 indicates three typologies that are a function of the stages covered in the study Objectiveto make a methodological contribution in relation to environmental performance in the construction of combined sewerage networks Materials and methodsis based on a search and obtain information on research conducted on the basis of the ACV in the construction of sewerage networks Results research provides the necessary information reduction of environmental impacts in the construction of networks of sewerage, being innovative environmental guide based on technical and bibliographic experiences. DiscussionThe type of sewer used depends on the characteristics of size, topography, economic conditions of the project ConclusionsIt is feasible to point out that there is no specific procedure


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López Moya, A. P., & Delgado-Yánez, M. (2019). Methodological analysis for environmental performance in sanitation structures in order to mitigate the effects of emerging pollutants, PPCPS. Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, 131–141.
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