Model for strategic alignment in educational organizations

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Lorenzo Salgado García
Juan Calvillo Barrios
Eduardo Hernández de la Rosa


Introduction.The strategic alignment is an added value to the content presented by the organizations as it goes beyond planning and penetrates all the managerial functions demanding an integrating view of the entire process. Objective. We propose to apply the proposal of strategic alignment to the Mexican educational organizations Materials and methods. Using quantitative research, the hard data that support the application of strategic alignment as a mechanism to transform education in Mexico are presented. ResultsIt was possible to determine which are the concrete manifestations of alignment as a process in Mexican companies. DiscussionStrategic alignment is a planned process through which management achieves superior results. Conclusion. The identification of alignment factors is a necessary condition for the organization to be able to use them effectively to obtain additional value.


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How to Cite
Salgado García, L., Calvillo Barrios, J., & Hernández de la Rosa, E. (2019). Model for strategic alignment in educational organizations. Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria De investigación, 165–178.
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